CentOS 5.5 i386 Webserver Edition, is a customized/minimal version of Linux operating system, built by WBITT team, using CENTOS 5.5 i386 (32 bit) as base. It provides the bare essentials for setting up an efficient web/mail server, without compromising security, functionality or quality. It is a single CD image, which installs under two minutes, with a disk foot-print of about 700MB in total. Ideal for WebHosting role, on physical and virtual (XEN+KVM) servers. Available free of cost at WBITT downloads section. Key features are:

  • Single CD bootable image [418 MB]
  • Usable on physical and virtual servers (XEN, KVM)
  • SELinux [enabled in Enforcing mode]
  • IPTables (firewall)
  • Apache Web Server, with SSL support (+webalizer)
  • MySQL DB Server
  • PHP
  • VSFTP Server (+xferstats)
  • Postfix Mail Server (+Spamassassin and SquirrelMail)
  • Dovecot IMAP+POP Server
  • YUM

Bug alert: If you are using this to provision (install) VMs, please install and enable kudzu on your VMs too. Without kudzu, you will not get console of the VM, (when accessed through ‘virsh console guest’ or ‘xm console guest’ commands). Although the VM will keep working properly, and will still be reachable through it’s network interface over SSH. We are in process of releasing an updated version of this ISO in the coming days.